Probing questions: a decontamination Journey



The decontamination of ultrasound probes is essential to help reduce the risk of contracting a healthcare-associated infection. Linda Cooper takes us through the development of decontamination guidelines in the UK, and the importance of applying these documents to help ensure patient safety. Linda briefly reviews current guidelines on ultrasound probe reprocessing, including the Wales WHTM 01-06, BMUS/ScOR and the NHS Scotland guidance.

With the use of ultrasound pervasive in healthcare, Linda highlights considerations for best practice and robust systems to help standardise practices. The Ultrasound Infection Prevention (IP) Toolkit, developed by Linda and a group of her fellow decontamination and infection prevention experts, is presented as a solution to some of the common questions clinicians ask when faced with ultrasound probe decontamination. Linda provides an overview of the Tools, with in depth walk through of how to use Tool 1, Locate & Profile. Access the Ultrasound IP Toolkit here.

About Linda Cooper

Linda Cooper is highly experienced in the field of decontamination and is currently Decontamination Project Lead working in Belfast. She has worked within the decontamination world for over 30 years. Initially as a nurse, then within theatre services and finally within the direct provision of decontamination services. During this time she has been involved in both the use and decontamination of ultrasound probes. Linda is part of the team of experts who have developed the IP Toolkit.